Welcome Novice LL, News, U9 TIER 3 NOVICE LL, U9, 2019-2020 (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 21, 2019 | Erik Prashaw | 561 views
Welcome Novice LL

Welcome to this years Novice LL team, I am happy to inform you that this year your coaches will be myself Erik Prashaw - Head Coach, Mark Faulkner - Assistant Coach/Trainer, and Janet Prashaw – Team Manager. We also have an amazing convener to assist us that is Abby King. This year our goal will be to fine tune our forward/backwards cross overs, tight turning, comfort moving the puck, as well as introducing positioning, and most importantly having a LOT of fun.  

It looks like this year we will have 10 players. For the beginning of the year we will continue to play half ice until January, when we will be transitioning to full ice. We need two goalies until January when we reach full ice play, then 1 full time goalie will be required for the rest of the year. The equipment will be supplied by our minor hockey group. Please take some time and talk to your children and see if they might be interested playing goalie. We need to assign this position ASAP!!!


For Novice LL information and our schedule go to https://dunnvilleminorhockey.com/Teams/1392/ There you can also sign up to receive emails or text messages for schedule changes, news, and updates. You can do this by going to our team link (above) on a desktop (not mobile) then scroll down and on the left side you will see MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS.


It is very helpful if you could keep us informed if your child will or will not be attending games and practices as this is very crucial for planning so PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH. As well I’d like to keep everyone informed so I’d appreciate if you could provide your EMAIL address and a contact number.


If you are interested in assisting us this year on and/or off the ice, we’d appreciate it greatly. We are thankful for any and all the help we can get. Also, I’d like to remind everyone that as coaches, managers, and conveners we are all VOLUNTEERS and are also very busy with our work and home lives so please be patient with us.


Thank you,


Erik Prashaw

Head Coach – Novice LL

[email protected]
