Feb 15, 2018 | Tom Flatt | 668 views
I would like to take the pre-game preparation to the next level.
We are now into tournaments and playoff's.
I would like players to be at the arena one hour before the game if possible.
1-arrive one hour before puck drop.
2-i would like to run a 5 minute warmup. Please bring shoes as opposed to boots.
3-45 minutes before the game (10-15mins with no parents) chalk talk, individual player and line group talk.
4-30 minutes before game, parents back in and the players can hydrate and take 15 minutes to dress.
5-last 15 minutes parents out. Players final instructions and chalk talk.
This is a typical Rep routine. All of these players should be trying out for Rep next year and hopefully this will instill better game readiness and a hint of how important the playoffs and these tournaments are.
If anyone is going to be absent please let me know.Thanks