Mar 08, 2013 | Jeremy Sharpe | 1031 views
Midget Reps donated 440.37
Dunnville Midgets Reps rallied to help 2-year-old Cayuga boy Jack Dell. Donations were accepted at the door Thursday night during the Niagara District playoff game against Port Colbourne. Jack was diagnosed with Wilms tumor. Wilms tumor is a type of kidney cancer that occurs in young children. Jack had his left kidney removed on Feb 11 and is undergoing 18 to 25 weeks of chemotherapy. Dunnville Midget reps helped kick off the campaign in where Cayuga Minor Hockey is hosting a Youth Skills competition Saturday March 9th to raise money for the family.
Once again Dunnville Midgets Reps have shown to be strong community leaders and wish Cayuga Minor Hockey much success with their event!
Great Job Boys!