Note: at this time only using a Chrome browser works (Explorer I couldn’t get in…I don’t have Apple to try). Further, coaches will still have to enter scores through their portal…unless your opponents coach beats you to it.
Chrome download Link https://bit.ly/2Cz9oFH Apple Store Chrome download Link https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/google-chrome/id535886823?mt=8
1)- Coaches most first obtain an invitation code from DMHA (or an Admin will forward, which ever comes first)
2)- Go to http://gamesheetinc.com/login/
3)- Choose
“Login to the New Dashboard”
4)- Register a new account option. Note may have to attempt to login in first to get to this screen and choose the option
5) Invitation Code given to you by DMHA
6) Continue to click thru options until you get to your team.
By Tom Flatt