Oct 10, 2022 | Tom Flatt | 636 views
U11 Program needs Goalies & a Convenor
Atomc Players & Parent's,
The U11 teams have been created but are lacking goalies to fill the pipes.
We currently have Saturday am Goalie Clinics (do the clinics in the am and still get your practice or game in later, double the ice for free!) where players can try the position and learn some valuable skills for the position. We also have equipment set aside for this level that families can use free of charge. Please reach out to your coach or an Executive for help.
We need someone to step up and be the U11 Convenor, hey you are there watching your player anyway or it can be anyone with a little passion for helping kids at that age group (it doesn't involve coaching or on ice activities). Great way to help your player's age level and become involved with the Association and all the great fun & experience that comes with that.