Sep 29, 2022 | Tom Flatt | 724 views
Schedule Changes, HLL Season Start Up & WANNA BE A GOALIE-Goalie Clinic's
At this time U6 will combine with the U5 until further notice.
HLL season games should be starting through out Haldimand on the 18th of October.
Starting this Saturday 8am, Josh Jerome will be running a goalie clinic for at least 3 weekends straight for registered DMHA player's to hone their skills or TRY GOALIE OUT!
For this Saturday the 1st of October goalies will already have to have equipment. For the 8th and 15th, our equipment manager will have goalie packages for player's to borrow to try goalie----come early to take advantage of this.
If you wish to try goalie this weekend, a DMHA Executive Member/Coach maybe able to help obtain equipment before hand upon request ahead of time. Reach out to a Member associated with your age group for help.