New Arena Protocols as of TODAY!, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Feb 17, 2022 | Tom Flatt | 828 views
New Arena Protocols as of TODAY!
From the County,

These protocols are being put in place to maximize the health and safety of everyone at the facility and minimize the risk of the spread of COVID-19. Everyone’s cooperation and compliance is appreciated.

 Anyone accessing the Arena must enter through the front doors and be screened. No one is allowed to enter through other access doors/emergency exits;
 Every person in the Arena is required to wear a mask or face covering that covers their mouth, nose and chin. Exemptions include children under two (2) years of age and those who cannot wear a mask for a medical reason;
 Permit holders shall comply with all public health and safety guidelines and municipal, provincial and federal regulations with respect to limiting the transmission of COVID-19; 

Ice Rental Guidelines:
 Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times throughout the facility—with the exception of while users are on the ice (helmet on/face mask or covering off; helmet off/face mask or covering on);
 Organized sports leagues must provide a Safety Plan for review by County staff to ensure it meets provincial requirements;
 Rental permit holders must provide facility staff with a list of participants and parents/guardians who have a face mask/covering exemption from a doctor;
 The rental permit holder will be identified as the contact for the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit (e.g. for future contact tracing);
 The rental permit holder will be responsible for sharing these protocols with those who will be participating in the ice rental including members of visiting teams and game officials;
 The rental permit holder (or his/her designate) will monitor the spectator seating area to ensure that all COVID19 protocols are followed (such as wearing face masks/coverings);
 Foam dividers/pylons will be allowed for half-ice play. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to sanitize the equipment and to place/remove dividers within the approved rental time

Change (Dressing) Rooms:
 Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times while in a Change Room;
 Participants will be able to access change rooms no more than twenty (20) minutes prior to their scheduled rental time and must leave within twenty (20) minutes after leaving the ice surface;
 Traditional dressing room assignments will apply (maximum two (2) rooms per booking plus gender specific as required). We strongly recommend that participants arrive dressed to play whenever possible

Walking Tracks:
 Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times while using the Walking Tracks;

Community Room Rentals (Caledonia Remax, Cayuga McSorley, Hagersville Almas Room):
 Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times, except while consuming food/beverages. Face mask/covering must be put back on when finished.

Designated Seating (Stands) and Common Areas:
 Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times while seated in the stands or other designated seating areas.  Spectators in designated seating areas who wish to consume food or drink are permitted to do so and may remove their face mask/covering for this purpose provided they remain socially distanced. Once finished, the face mask/covering must be put back on;
 Spectator capacity will be posted at each Arena;
 No dryland training will be permitted in common areas of the facility. Organizations may book community rooms (where available) for this purpose; and,

Consequences for Non-Compliance:
 Individuals/groups attending an Arena who do not follow the above-noted protocols will be provided with a written warning (copy to permit holder/organization); a second warning will result in a one-week suspension from Haldimand County Arenas for the individual and group (copy to permit holder/organization); third warning will result in suspension from Haldimand County Arenas for the individual/group for the season;
 Teams/organizations/permit holders who do not comply with or help enforce these protocols may see an impact to existing/future rentals; and,
 Failure to follow the directional arrows, signage or instructions of on-site staff could result in immediate expulsion from the facility. These protocols will be reviewed regularly and updated as needed.

These protocols will be reviewed regularly and updated as needed. The most “up-to-date” version can be found at:
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