A message from the County, "...yesterday the Province announced a short extension to the arena closures, with our re-opening date now set for Monday, January 31.
We anticipate normal operations under the same protocols in place before the closure will resume on Monday, January 31. Staff will be reviewing the Provincial regulations when they are released, and if there are any operational changes, I will update everyone. "
Further, "Just a reminder that when we re-open, everyone coming to the arena will need to do the COVID screening/contact tracing online at the following link (QR code is also posted at the arena): https://www.haldimandcounty.ca/arena-contact-tracing-form/. Arena staff will need to see this screening has been passed and also the proof of vaccination with the provincial QR code and personal identification for everyone 12+."
Current '
OMHA Response' to the Provincial news.