Revised Dunnville Minor Hockey Amalgamation Voting Notice, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Dec 09, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 1594 views
Revised Dunnville Minor Hockey Amalgamation Voting Notice
Hello Dunnville minor hockey families, there has been a change to the Amalgamation process. Hagersville Minor Hockey has decided to not continue as a partner in the Amalgamation. The remaining 3 Centres, Caledonia, Cayuga and Dunnville, have agreed to proceed with the amalgamation process.  

It’s time to have your say. If you had voted in the previous voting session, please know that these votes will not be counted, as the Amalgamation information has changed to the 3 Centres. You will have to vote again, sorry and thank you, for your participation in voting.

Voting on the proposed rep partnership, amalgamation, amongst the Caledonia, Cayuga and Dunnville Minor Hockey Associations is scheduled to take place at our arena on Saturday December 11th from 9 to 1:30 pm, Sunday December 12th from 12 to 4 pm, Monday December 13th from 6 to 9 pm, Tuesday December 14th from 6 to 8:30 pm and Thursday December 16th from 5 to 9 pm.

Please plan on attending and casting your ballot to have your say in the future of rep hockey here in Haldimand. Voting will take place according to the rules set by our by-laws/constitution. There will be one vote per family as well as for team officials and executive members. Please declare which class of membership that you are voting under.

Some key points to consider:
  • The new association will only affect the Representative teams in each association.  The Local League teams will operate as they have in the past.
  • The new association will operate as an “A” Centre (pending OMHA approval) allowing for players to remain in Haldimand County and still play at a high, competitive level rather than leaving for larger Centres.
  • Even though the OMHA is eliminating the AE level after this season, they have confirmed there will be an opportunity for additional rep teams at a classification lower than A if numbers show that there is interest. For example; B BB, C, CC, D, DD, etc. and using West Niagara currently, not including their AA teams
  • U12/13 PeeWee this season for West Niagara Flying Aces
  • U13 A
  • U13 AE
  • U12 A
  • U12 AE
  • U12/13 PeeWee next season for West Niagara Flying Aces or more
  • U13 A
  • U13 CC
  • U12 A
  • U12 CC
  • U12/13 Peewee this Season for Caledonia, Cayuga & Dunnville
  • U13 BB Caledonia
  • U13 AE Caledonia
  • U13 DD Cayuga
  • U13 CC Dunnville
  • U12/13 Peewee next Season for Haldimand, or more.  17 player teams=68 spots (on average 34 from Caledonia, 17 from Cayuga & 17 from Dunnville, currently the U13 CC team has 16 players)
  • U13 A
  • U13 CC
  • U12 A
  • U12 CC

Same opportunity with your player on the appropriate skill level team in the appropriate League Division and perhaps more; possibly more teams depending on interest and mandated full team sizes with impartial committee team selection.

What’s next after the vote?

  • If the outcome is in favour, the proposal is submitted to the OMHA for approval.
  • If approved, early in 2022, the executive of the new association will be elected from each of the local Centres. (4 from each Association)
  • Executive meetings of the new association will take place soon after to fill roles and to begin planning for the upcoming season.
  • The coach selection process will follow, looking toward team tryouts in the Spring of 2022.

If you have any further questions, please be sure to check the FAQ’s posted on our website or ask a member of our executive.

Thank You all for your participation in this process, as well as your patience.

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