UPDATED ARENA PROTOCOLS as of Oct.1, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Sep 29, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 617 views
From the County,

The question of dressing room capacities has been reviewed, and County staff have communicated with neighbouring  municipalities, public health and reviewed both ORFA guidelines and current Provincial legislation. 

The decision has been made to remove the  “hard cap” of 10 people per dressing room, and replace the protocols to allow the number of participants that can social distance in each room.   Please note this does not allow unlimited numbers in the dressing rooms, but does permit some flexibility based on dressing room size, whether there are family members that do not require social distancing (parent assisting child, siblings, etc.). 

 There will still be chairs outside for overflow, and groups are expected to maintain social distancing and wear masks at all times, except for those residing in the same household. 

Social distancing and masks in dressing rooms are still required as they  are not currently considered part of the field of play, so they must be treated as a public area subject to those restrictions.  Staff continue to monitor regulations and meet regularly to discuss the arena protocols.

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