Dunnville Return to Play Plan, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Sep 05, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 907 views
Dunnville Return to Play Plan

Here is our current Return to Play Plan in force on Tuesday.

They are as follows;

Dunnville Minor Hockey




1. Any participant displaying any COVID-19 symptoms, as outlined by the public health unit at the time, may not enter a Haldimand County facility.

·        -  Participants will be screened upon entry by a DMHA team representative.   

·        -  Information regarding an individual’s health should never be disclosed beyond only those staff or volunteers who need to know. The name(s) of any person(s) diagnosed with COVID-19 should NEVER be disclosed.

·        -  If a participant is experiencing symptoms or feeling unwell, they should not attend a scheduled activity. Instead, please contact the Health Unit, who will direct you to the proper protocol.

·        -  Participants with seasonal allergies or other underlying conditions (e.g. Asthma) which may cause some symptoms consistent with COVID-19 to be displayed (e.g. cough, runny nose, etc.) should notify program staff in advance and follow safety protocols (cough into arm, not hands). 

2.     There will be a single dedicated entrance and separate exit for all spectators and participants. Front door entrance and side door exit.

3.     Facility access will be restricted to 20 minutes prior to scheduled start time.

4.     Everyone who enters the facility for any reason, must wear a mask or face covering that covers their mouth, nose and chin. Exceptions are children under 2 and those who cannot wear a mask for medical reason. Participants may remove their mask immediately upon the placement of a helmet before starting their activity.

5.     Participants are asked to ensure they have used washrooms at home, as access to washrooms before, during, or after an activity will be limited.

6.     Water bottles must be filled at home. Water in dressing rooms may not be available.

7.     Participants will arrive and proceed directly to the assigned dressing room to get dressed for their activity.

8.     The rooms will be a sanitized before each use. One parent/guardian MAY accompany only those participants who REQUIRE assistance getting ready. In this case, parents must be confined to the same dedicated space as their participant. Masks must be worn in the dressing rooms by all present in them. During step 3 of the Ontario reopening plan a maximum number of people will be allowed in the dressing room, with chairs outside of the rooms to accommodate overflow.

9.      Participants must adhere to physical distancing requirements at all times (maintaining a 6 foot or 2-meter distance between themselves and another person).

10.  User group or program staff/volunteer will come and get players when they are permitted to leave their staging area to come onto the playing surface.

11.  Players are not permitted to share gear with others unless they are from the same household (e.g. another player forgets a glove, jersey, etc.)

12.  Participants must adhere to any additional safety guidelines issued by the Public Health Unit, municipal, provincial and federal regulations with respect to limiting the transmission of Covid 19.


 Any player who becomes ill or exhibits possible COVID-19 symptoms during an activity, must immediately stop, leave the playing surface and wear a mask, until they are able to leave the facility (as soon as possible). Coaches/adult supervisors must report this as an incident to the coach/instructor/trainer and the DMHA, along with any action taken.

1       Participant water bottles must be clearly labelled with names and left in the spot indicated by program staff.

2       Full equipment must be worn at all times (including player gloves).

3       Participants must not touch equipment other than that which is permitted by activity staff. Pucks, cones, and other gear should be moved using sticks or a gloved hand.


1.     Coaches will indicate session end times to all participants. At the end of each session:

1.     Participants must STOP and maintain their distance from all others

2.     Participants will be directed when and where to exit the playing surface and must return to the dressing room.

3.     Participants and parent/guardians must maintain physical distancing at all times (maintaining a 6 foot or 2-meter distance between themselves and another person) and immediately leave the facility through dedicated exit (within 20 minutes). Participants may not remain in facility as spectators or to converse with other facility patrons.

4.     A parent who has a child in a subsequent ice session, must exit and re- enter to follow all pre-activity protocols for each.

2.     Water bottles must be washed/sanitized after every use.

3.     It is highly recommended that players will wash or wipe outer gear (jerseys, socks, gloves) using warm water and soap following each use. It is also highly recommended that sticks, helmets, and any other personal items which have been used, be sanitized using a method appropriate for the items.

4.     Participants must put their mask back on, prior to exiting their dressing room, and subsequently, the building.


1.     Face masks must be worn when entering the arena, seated in the stands or standing areas. Eating and drinking is allowed without the mask.

2.     All parents and spectators must enter through the front doors and exit the side door when leaving.

3.     Spectator capacity will be posted at each arena.

4.     Parents and spectators must be screened when they enter the arena by the arena staff, as per the Covid protocols.

5.     Parents and spectators must adhere to physical distancing requirements at all times (maintaining a 6 foot or 2-meter distance between themselves and another person).


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