Ontario to Require Proof of Vaccination in Select Settings, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Sep 01, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 1088 views
Ontario to Require Proof of Vaccination in Select Settings

As you may be aware our Provincial Government has put forth requirements for using facilities such as a recreational facility like an ice hockey arena to start as of the 22nd of September, 2021.  Provincial Update link HERE.

For now we are continuing with our scheduled programs and will update you with further info as it becomes available and how it can possibly effect you, your family and our programs.

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Ontario Land Surveyors 1333 Highway 3 East, Unit B Dunnville Tel: 905-774-7188
Girlings Auto Body
216 South Cayuga St. East, Dunnville ON N1A 1C6 905-774-5300
A-1 Water Haulage
George Barnes & Sons Excavating Ltd.
1593 Regional Rd. 3, Lowbanks ON N0A 1K0 905-774-6551
Buckner's Source for Sports
151 Queen Street, Dunnville N1A 1H6 905-774-8871