MUDCAT HOCKEY NEWS!, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Aug 18, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 1078 views
For Juvenile aged hockey player's; West Niagara and Thorold are offering Juvenile Hockey this year.

YOU NEED EQUIPMENT? Please contact Jerry Lambert @ 905-961-4690 he can set you up before you hit the ice.  Note: because of Covid Protocols and those restrictions it will not be possible to fit your youngster at the arena at the present time.  Jerry has an alternate location to fit your player.

Dunnville Minor Hockey is still looking for applications for the U9 Rep Team Coach.  Please use a coach application form @ and return to Coach Application

We will have Tournaments in Dunnville this season.  We are still in need of a Tournament Director.  Please contact any member of the Executive or Randy Smith thru this link.

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