!!!REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!!!, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Jun 21, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 2885 views
Register here "I WANT TO PLAY HOCKEY!" this link will take you to where you need to go to register your kid(s) for hockey in Dunnville this coming season.

-rebates for the shortened season are applicable to registrations entered prior to the August 1, 2021, early registration deadline
-you will have to create a 'Hockey Canada Registry' account.
-all multi child discounts will be applied at the 'Checkout' automatically
-All registration payments must be paid prior to start of season along with late registration payments if registering a returning player after August 1, 2021.
-all outstanding fees from the previous season must be paid in full
-receipts will be emailed back to you

For more info contact Tammy Mills [email protected]
Buckner's Source for Sports
151 Queen Street, Dunnville N1A 1H6 905-774-8871
A-1 Water Haulage
Vic Powell Welding & Crane Rental
1327 Hwy 3 E, Dunnville ON N1A 2W7 905-774-6046
Haldimand Dairy Farmers
President: Don Tilstra Secretary: Pete Tiersma
Godfather's Pizza
540 Main St. West, Dunnville ON N1A 1W6 905-701-0011