DMHA 2021 Annual General Meeting, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Apr 29, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 1061 views
DMHA 2021 Annual General Meeting
Here is your chance to get in on the happenings within your Local Hockey Association.  Ask questions, voice your opinion and get involved.  There is still open Board positions to be filled.

Thursday May 27, 2021, 6:30 pm Location is the Farmers Market Square, unless the covid restrictions prohibit, then the meeting will be a zoom AGM meeting, at 7 pm on the same night.

Note: All Members, who are in good standing, must register to have a vote or to run for any position on the Board. Registration begins at 6:15 pm, before the meeting.

1.               Approval of the Agenda

2.               President’s Welcome

3.               Approval of Minutes

·        Approval of Minutes of the August 24, 2020 Annual General Meeting.

4.               2020/2021 Season Reports

5.               2021/2022 Season Outlook

6.               Treasurer’s Report

7.               Appointment of the Internal Audit Review Committee for the 2021/2022 Season

8.               Elections of Directors to the DMHA Board for the 2021/2022 Season    

             1.Acclaimed Positions

     For a 2 year term: President Randy Smith, Treasurer Mary Gibson,

                                   Ice Scheduler Tom Flatt, Timekeeper Coordinator Christine Gratton              


  For a 1 year term: Novice NDLL Convenor Bobbie-Jo Atkinson, Equipment Manager Jerry Lambert


2. Open Positions:

    For a 2 year term: OWHA Convenor, Bantam/Midget NDLL Convenor


   For a 1 year term: Tyke NDLL Convenor, Tournament Coordinator, Special Events Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator and a 2 Directors at Large

9.               New Business




10.           Adjournment




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