Feb 19, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 1225 views
We will be re-starting our Association Programming Monday the 22nd with practices and our Haldimand League New Game Schedule on the 27th.
The County has worked hard to get our kids back on the ice when many other areas across Southern Ontario will not be lacing up until next year. Thanks Haldimand County Staff, Exec and Councillor's.
We have been able to keep approximately the same amount of ice as Pre-Christmas and the season has been extended for practice and games until the 30th of April instead of our usual ice reductions starting at March Break.
Please be patient while new practices go up and re-scheduled games appear or get moved.
Of note;
-some of our hours have changed to help accommodate Cayuga teams use of our arena.
-U15 Tier 1 has lost the Cayuga team and U15 Cayuga 2 Team has moved to Tier #2 Bubble 1.
-most teams are in the same bubbles, check the site's '2 1/2 Haldimand Bubbles' banner for exact Bubbles.
-no April Break Blackout, games will be scheduled during the Break week.