Haldimand County is Orange, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Feb 12, 2021 | Tom Flatt | 1488 views
Haldimand County is Orange
From Haldimand County 

Although we learned this afternoon that the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit will be moved to the Orange Zone in the Provincial colour-coded system of Covid 19 restrictions, Haldimand County will only be re-opening three of our arenas, with a targeted date towards the end of February.

The Cayuga Arena will have ice removed next week, in order to facilitate it’s use as a mass vaccination clinic for Covid 19.  The loss of this facility will result in the need to re-allocate available ice at the remaining 4 ice pads in the County.  Due to the shortage of ice, the initial allocation will include only minor hockey, ringette and figure skating groups.


While we understand this may be disappointing news, the fact that we are re-opening in orange will allow our minor sport groups to continue on with their seasons.  In addition, the remaining arenas will be open until April 30th, subject to sufficient interest and the County remaining in the Orange zone or lower for Provincial restrictions.

The loss of one arena will impact each groups current allocation, and I will need to find sufficient hours in our other arenas to accommodate those groups displaced from Cayuga.

We hope to be able to have approved schedules and permits issued in order to re-open the arenas with a target date between February 22-24.

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President: Don Tilstra Secretary: Pete Tiersma
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Proud sponsor and supporter of Dunnville Minor Hockey since 2011