!!!!!HELP NEEDED!!!!!, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Oct 06, 2020 | Tom Flatt | 794 views
!!!!!HELP NEEDED!!!!!
There is some coaching spots in U11 and U13 available and many spots available to trainer's and other on and off ice assistance in all levels.  Volunteers needed for some executive positions also. Teams will need parent help for team sign ins.....coaches can't do it all.  Please step up to help!

Unfortunately if a team does not have a coach your participants start to season play could be delayed.

Buckner's Source for Sports
151 Queen Street, Dunnville N1A 1H6 905-774-8871
George Barnes & Sons Excavating Ltd.
1593 Regional Rd. 3, Lowbanks ON N0A 1K0 905-774-6551
Haldimand Dairy Farmers
President: Don Tilstra Secretary: Pete Tiersma
Coldwell Banker Flatt
Proud sponsor and supporter of Dunnville Minor Hockey since 2011
Rasch & Hyde Ltd
Ontario Land Surveyors 1333 Highway 3 East, Unit B Dunnville Tel: 905-774-7188