Oct 05, 2020 | Tom Flatt | 993 views
Please note that Tier 1 team selections are being made and Tier 1 'INVITE ONLY' practices are now beginning. These are not tryouts. The Tier 1 coach will notify which players are on their team.
Watch the schedule closely as there are different practices going on; Tier 1, open skates and Tier 2. Please ask if you need assistance in knowing what practice you should be attending. Tier 2 teams are not chosen yet. Please refer to the Tier 1 rosters, if that team has only 10 skaters listed...that Tier 1 team is set.
Tier 1 team rosters that have more than 10 skaters.....that Tier 1 team roster is not set yet.
You will notice that some Team Game schedules are posted. All of our teams will have a 12 game season within Haldimand in Bubble Groups/Mini Leagues from the 19th of October until the 18th of December. After that season the Haldimand Centres will revaluate where things are at and make decisions on; continuing, moving teams, etc.