Scheduling Update for all 6 yr old and under (U5-U7), News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Sep 29, 2020 | Tom Flatt | 643 views
Scheduling Update for all 6 yr old and under (U5-U7)
Scheduling update, due to low new and 4 to 6yr old registration U5 Skills, U6 Junior & U7 Senior will be together on the ice until further notice. All U7 will be on one half with possibly select U6. Please adhere to Coaches direction. First skate Thursday Oct.1 5pm, will only be 2nd year 5yr and 6yr olds (Tyke Junior & Tyke Senior). First skate for new player's and 4yr olds (Tyke Skills) will be Saturday Oct.3 9:30am on shared ice.

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