Registration Open!!!!!, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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Sep 11, 2020 | Tom Flatt | 1919 views
Registration Open!!!!!
Open for business.  Registration is now online and we hope it is easy for you.

Follow the instructions as listed in the Registration section our use this Link to get to a Downloadable version or follow these instructions (note that currently the 'Interac' option will not work until Monday);




Two Step Registration and Payment Process


Dunnville Minor Hockey Association (DMHA) will be mandating the use of online registration and payment systems and solutions in 2020/21. All returning and new OMHA players eligible to register must complete the 2-step process outlined below.

Check the updated DMHA Registration Fee and Payment Schedule for further information concerning fees and deadlines.



*To register your child for the 2020/21 season with DMHA, click the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) link below and follow the instructions:




· All first time families are required to create a new account before you can log on. In the welcome box above the log in request follow the link “click to create a new account”.  I tried using my Hockey Canada Login and it didn’t work for that….expect to have to ‘create a new account’.  You will need your participants Hockey Canada Hockey ID # to register.

· If you have previously registered your player electronically with the DMHA, you will have the email and password required to log into this account.

· Please double confirm all contact information and email addresses included in your on-line registration as this will be important for establishment of association communication lists.

· Please ensure you complete the transaction and you will be provided a receipt at the end.

· Please pick “Other” as the payment option for registration. Payment is not completed on the Hockey Canada website. You must go to to complete your registration payment.


Step 2:  PAYMENT

DMHA is excited to let you know we will be using as our on-line payment provider for the 2020-2021 season. Its fast, its easy, and you can make payment for free!

here to create a PlayPay account (max 30 seconds), then follow the steps below.  (You can use an existing PlayPay account if you have one from a different Association account


1.    Select Dunnville Minor Hockey to your personal organization list.

·        In your PlayPay account, click ‘my organizations’.

·        Enter Dunnville in Organization and click ‘Search’.

·        Select the association from the returned list and click ‘Next’.

·        Enter the player's first and last name, dob (mm/dd/yyyy) and mobile cell number (enter zeroes if N/A). Then select the registration level.

·        Scroll down and click 'Add Participant' to add another player or 'Done' if there are no more to add.


2.    You’re now ready to make payments!

·        In your PlayPay account, click ‘my payments’ and then click ‘make a payment’.

·        Enter the payment amount. You’ll see a summary of Amount Owed which can be paid in full, or spread over a few separate payments.

·        Choose from one of four ways to pay. There is a 2.5% convenience fee to pay by credit card. There is no cost to make payments by e-cheque (i.e., direct debit), bank payment or interac e-Transfer.

·        You'll be notified by email when your payment is processed.
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