Sep 01, 2020 | Tom Flatt | 1349 views
Haldimand Proposed Return to Play Framework
- Centres - All located in Haldimand
(Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit) Cayuga, Caledonia, Hagersville &
- Non- traditional hockey program for the 2020-21
season until such time as we reach Stage 4 with the OHF Return to Play
- Rosters will consist of 9 players and 1
goalie. Players are only allowed to play on one team and there will be no
affiliation. Bubbles and Cohorts will consist of 5 teams of no more then
50 players
- Season will begin on October 1, 2020 and will run skill development for the first two weeks. 3 on 3 play will begin October 19th and run until December 18th.
- There will be a two week, 14 day break from December 19th to January 1st to re-evaluate the current state of hockey and re-organize bubbles/cohorts or re-evaluate the stage of return to play. If no changes are needed, the season will continue January 2nd with current set up.
- Each age division will be divided into three tiers based on last season's rosters.
- Tier 1 - will consist of Rep / A/E players - One bubble, teams will be Cayuga, Caledonia 1, Caledonia 2, Hagersville and Dunnville.
- Tier 2 - will consist of Rep / A/E / Local league - One bubble, teams will be Cayuga, Caledonia 1, Caledonia 2, Hagersville and Dunnville.
- Tier 3 - will consist of local league - Multiple bubbles as per needed.
- Play will be 3 on 3 or as outlined in the OMHA return to play.
- The Return to Play will operate under OMHA guidelines, Haldimand/ Norfolk Public Health Unit and Haldimand's Facility guidelines.
- The OHF return to play plan and protocols checklist will be filled out and submitted by each association included in this proposal.
- Registration will begin ASAP and bubbles and cohorts will be formed on September 17th.