Aug 31, 2020 | Tom Flatt | 1050 views
OHF Return to Play in Haldimand
The landscape of hockey has been changed for the near future by the Global Pandemic. DMHA will not be able to participant in the NDHL or NDLL this season because we are not in the Niagara Public Health Unit. We are looking at staying within our Health Unit of Haldimand/Norfolk. OHF has implemented that a 3 on 3 ten player team format with teams being organized in Tier's appropriate for their skill level will be the model for the near future in this current stage of return to play.
We are currently talking with Haldimand Towns to possibly form Tiered Leagues and after the Tiered levels are fulfilled the remaining players will form a Haldimand Local League. Everything is in early planning and nothing is set in stone and the landscape is ever changing. Dunnville will be holding Open Skates in Caledonia in Mid-September as they have one ice pad open with ours possibly being open in the first days of October. Please keep an eye out for Registration Info-which will be provided online, with online payment, ROWAN's LAW and Respect in Sport Requirements (if you are new to hockey).