To all Dunnville Minor Hockey Members, News (Dunnville Minor Hockey)

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May 04, 2020 | Tom Flatt | 1605 views
To all Dunnville Minor Hockey Members
At this time of Isolation, during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Hope you are all being safe and getting along ok in the situation that we are all in. It was very shocking to have the past season end the way that it did but nothing that we could do about it. The decision was made to protect all of us, including the players. We will have to see when the arena can be open for pre-registration. We will post times on the website when we know more about arena openings in the stages of the pandemic. Our year end Annual General Meeting has been cancelled in May and we are hoping to reschedule it later on in the summer. The rescheduled date will also be posted on the website.         

Below are the nominated and open positions for the coming season. As you can see there are still positions to fill on our Board of Directors.    

Elections of Directors to the DMHA Board for the 2020/2021 Season                    

1.Acclaimed Positions:      
For a 2 year term: 2nd Vice President Wayne Nie, Secretary Bobbi MacArthur, Atom NDLL Convenor Abby    King                                                 
For a 1 year term: Equipment Manager Jerry Lambert, Director at Large Rob Lutes.  

2. Open Positions:    
For a 2 year term: 1st Vice President, Tyke NDLL Convenor, Peewee NDLL Convenor                                        

For a 1 year term: Tournament Coordinator, Special Events Coordinator, Novice NDLL Convenor, Volunteer    Coordinator and a Director at Large  

Please be safe and be with your families at home, as much as possible and we hope to see you all at the rink again this coming season.

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