Please participate in the Organization Poll (located on the right column near the bottom on any DMHA team or main page) & please inform other Members about the Poll.
NOTE: Local League programs and other non-rep programs including Tyke levels would still be a DMHA program; programs for Dunnville players in Dunnville only as Dunnville Mudcats with Local League teams playing in a Local League among Local League teams.
The purpose of the Poll is to see if there is the appetite ... give our Rep and possible Rep player's more options to choose from to match a player's specific level.
For an example; a player may leave Dunnville to play in another Centre that offers AAA, AA or A because Dunnville can not offer the same skill level the player can achieve and thus Dunnville looses the player. Where as an Amalgamation may then provide a higher local level skill team that our player can choose, thus staying in our community and creating a stronger hockey community.
'WOULD YOU' or 'WOULD YOU NOT' be in favour of the Dunnville Minor Hockey Association Rep Program AMALGAMATING with another or multiple Hockey Centre(s)?
Dunnville Minor Hockey Association is reaching out to all the membership (parents, coaches, staff & executives from all levels of DMHA Hockey from Tyke, Local League to Rep) to get your opinion on the future of the 'Dunnville Hockey Experience' with more avenues for Rep Hockey and still keeping our Local League Dunnville Mudcats and Tyke programs in Dunnville being run by DMHA.
What is the purpose of Amalgamating with another or multiple centre(s)?
To create a cohesive new hockey Association that will allow hockey to thrive in multiple communities;
To provide the opportunity for players to compete at the appropriate skill and age level to maximize their hockey opportunities;
To broaden skill development at the House League and Rep levels for coaches and players alike.