Jul 27, 2018 | Jeremy Sharpe | 2563 views
Picture Day- Date and Changes
Picture Day will be Saturday, Nov. 3rd. Sticks, gloves, and team jerseys is all that is required this year for pictures. Teams will be notified closer to the date of their time slots.
Also picture envelopes will be handed out to coaches or parent reps shortly. Each player will receive an individual and team photo included with registration fee. The envelope is for any additional pictures or gift items you wish to purchase. Please have order envelope filled out and money ready the day of if you are purchasing anything additional. If your team is away in a tournament, Coaches- let Donna Drumm know so an alternate time can be arranged for your team.
Midget teams will have a team photo only taken prior to a game.
Do Not call Christine Photography about your time slot, Donna will be arranging the schedule.